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What time do you open?

7:45 AM - I drive a bus for the school district, so I open as soon as I get here and remain open all day until 3:30.  You may visit before school, in between classes, during your lunch (no food or drink though), or on a pass from your teacher.

How many books can I check out?

You can have 3 items checked out at any given time - that could be 3 books, or 3 magazines, or 3 audiobooks, or any combination of the 3.  Also, a laptop counts as one of your choices.  You have to have an "open" space in order to check out a computer.

How long can I keep them? 

Books and audiobooks (and Digital/eBooks) are checked out for 2 weeks.  Magazines are checked out for 1 week. Laptops are checked out only for the time needed for the school project, maximum 3 nights at a time.




What happens if they are late?

If you return books, audiobooks, or magazines late, they will be assessed a late fee of $1.00.  Laptops returned late will be fined $5.00 PER DAY that it is late.  eBooks have no late fees because they are automatically returned on their due date.


Didn't find your answer?  Click here to email me.






Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions.  If you don't find an answer to your question here, please email me.  I will respond ASAP.

What else can I find here besides books?

We offer a wide range of services! We loan books, magazines, audiobooks, laptops, and eBooks.  We have a copier for student use. We can laminate items for you.  We have all kinds of supplies to enhance your class projects.  We have a very nice black and white printer, we have a great set-up for presentations, and we have a great space for reading, working, or studying.

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